
Once you've installed hkutilities into your node.js project

This is how you would setup hkutilities using JavaScript and TypeScript

const { Client } = require("discord.js");
const { HKandler } = require("hkutilities");
const bot = new Client();

new HKandler(bot, {
  commandsDir: "commands",
  eventsDir: "events",
  featuresDir: "features",
  .setPrefix("!") //set a prefix - ! is default
  .setOwners(["12345"]) // array of bot owners
  .setDefaultCooldown(5) //set default command cooldown
  .setHelpDescription("This is the help menu. Use {PREFIX}help for more help") //set the description of the help embed, type ${PREFIX} to get prefix
  .setMentionPrefix(true); //mention the bot instead of using the prefix Note: Prefix and Mentioning bot will work


Last updated